Thursday, January 31, 2013

Environmental Signs

In the past my students have worked on learning to identify common environmental signs, such as Stop signs, Walk signs, Danger Signs. I created this activity after we took a community walk to take pictures of the signs in our community. Each page contains two pictures. When the correct picture is selected the students are reinforced with an audio clip that says  "Good Job", when they select the wrong picture they hear "No, try again".

Here is the Google Docs link for Community Signs

Where to go in the Community

My students have been learning about where to go in the community to get different services. I made this activity specifically for our community and specifically to meet the goals in the Brigance Assessment Materials. In some of the pages I use an array of items and ask the students to put the correct items on the correct store. In other pages I asked the students to select the right store/service from an array of pictures.

Here is the Google Docs link for Where to Go in the Community

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Counting to 10

I used some fairly high-interest objects to create this lesson. In it students have to put the appropriate amount of counters into or onto a given object. I found using numbers higher than ten is too busy for the students. This activity is available on Smart Exchange

Here is the Link to the Google Docs for Counting to 10

Matching By Size

In this math activity students have to sort three items by size into the correct box. This activity was designed for Smart Notebook but could easily be created using Inspiration for Promethean Board. The benefit of using Inspiration is that the boxes could be containers so they would "spit out" the item that did not fit. This activity has been uploaded to Smart Exchange.

Here is the link to Google Docs for Match by Size

Monday, January 14, 2013

About Me

I teach a Diagnostic Kindergarten program in Toronto, ON. My program is made up of Junior and Senior Kindergarten students. We are a full-day program. I teach a fantastic group of students with a variety of needs including, ASD, physical, Deaf and Hard of Hearing and Developmental Disabilities. My class received a Promethean Interactive White Board in September 2013. In the past I used a Smart Board with my Primary/Junior (Grades 1-5) Developmental Disability class. I have hosted other DD teachers who have come to see how our class runs and how my students use the Smart Board. I hope to use this blog as a way to share some of my ideas for Interactive White Board activities, non-IWB tasks, and successes. I will be uploading some of my lessons to Google Docs.