Using Picture Symbols

On this page I will share some of the ways we are using picture symbols in our classroom. I like to use a combination of Pics for PECs which I find has the largest variety of realistic pictures and Boardmaker pictures.

Using Visuals in Music:

Our music teacher and I have been working hard to create visuals to use for music/drama. These visuals are great for our non-verbal students and students for whom choice making is hard.

This visual is used during Old MacDonald as well as when she wants students to select puppets.

Our music teacher has a giant toy flower that she brings in. She has the students
imagine what the flower could be if it wasn't a flower. The students then act out
what the flower is. This was great when she first started the activity, most of the
students now pick things not on the list.

Today at School:
At the end of the day we complete our folders. These folders have a page for the students to circle what they did that day. I found it really beneficial for my students to do this as a group first on the Smart Board and then do their own so they would have one to reference. Using the Document Camera (Ladibug) I took a picture of the folder and imported that to Smart Notebook.

Snack Routine:
Our school has a "morning meal" program that provides snack for the students. In order to facilitate  choice making and oral language development we use a visual menu. On the front we have the snack choices for the day and on the back we keep all the snack choices.

Last week we read the story The Odd Egg by Emily Gravett. I stopped the story when Duck's egg just begins to crack and asked my students what they thought was going to come out of the egg. I provided the following visual to help my students share their predictions.

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