Helpful Tips

Here are some helpful tips that I have learned over the past year and a half of working with the Smart Board.

  • Lock items down. Even my students who I don't think will be able to change something always find a way. I use Smart Notebook so I generally use "Lock in Place" for items that I don't want moved at all and "Allow Move" for items that I want to move but not rotated or re-sized. 
  • Check Your Order. Make sure to check the order for any activities where you will be layering items. If you don't your item may disappear behind something you don't want it to or  be on top of items. This was especially useful for me in my Calendar activity where we dress a person for the weather. 
  • How to Limit Tool Access in ActivInspire (Promethean Board). If you want to limit the tool buttons when you select an object in ActivInspire, you can create a student profile that can be active when students are using the board. This will help with students who purposely or accidentally change objects when using your Promethean Board. Follow the following steps:
      • Select File
      • Select Settings
      • Select Commands
      • Select Marquee Handles
      • Remove any items that you don't want your students to use
      • Save As "Student"
    • In order to select the student profile, Select Profiles in the toolbar and choose Student
  • Selecting a Font. My font of choice when creating activities on the Smart Board is Comics Sans. The lettering in this font is easiest to read. When writing on the Smart Board font size 36 is considered optimal.

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