Sunday, September 25, 2016


Storage always seems to be at a premium in our classroom, even though we have tons of cupboards we always have too much stuff! We wanted our therapy ball to be easily accessible by staff and out of reach for the students when not in use. Since there is no way it fits in a cupboard, I used wool to arm knit a hammock for it, and so far it is working out really well. I got the idea from the BEAP program staff at Birchmount Collegiate who use old volleyball nets to store their therapy balls.

Monday, September 5, 2016

Requesting Art Supplies

This picture symbol requesting station is attached to the cupboard where the art supplies are held. Students can request using the individual picture or by creating a simple I want sentence.

Organizing Our Sensory Cupboard

Last year our sensory cupboard looked like it had exploded. We spent lots of time searching for chewies and spinners. This year our sensory cupboard is all organized. Hopefully this will help us stay organized this year. The only thing left to create and get organized is our "smell" bin with different extracts on cotton balls in little jars.

Tactile Book

Every year one of the favourite books in our class is Brown Bear, Brown Bear What Do You See? For this years class I made a tactile version of the book by adding fabric to each of the animal pages. Special thanks to my local upholstery store for all the fabric scraps. I am looking forward to seeing how the students react to the book and to making more.